Problems and prospects of controlling personnel in Ukraine

Олена S Lebedynska



Effective business management depends on timely, quick and adequate response to changing market conditions, the company that provides not only new opportunities but also provokes certain threats. Under these conditions increases the importance of reasonableness, rationality and speed of decision-making. Without good governance, and hence controlling system that provides service-management analytical support to provide resistance and survival in the competition, the formation and implementation of existing development potential, achieving a stable and long-term business success impossible.

It is revealed that administrative decisions are accepted by a management subjectively as according to plan-analytical activity at the enterprises mostly does not find support in top-level management more often. A considerable quantity of the enterprises is led by the simplified account and the superficial analysis of the activity, without making plans and budgets of the activity, have no information base for acceptance of the weighed and timely administrative decisions. Mostly there is no activity coordination between structural units, subordination to the current purposes and problems in the absence of complex budgeting, a correcting of plans according to dynamism surrounding environments; the elementary methodical receptions and information technology are used.

Studying of features of controlling of the personnel has allowed developing a complex of recommendations about its introduction. Controlling is realized in organizational structure of the enterprise in the form of specialized service which carries out a role of consulting staff body at the supreme administrative personnel which directly supervises its activity.  Thus independence and the importance of service of controlling at level of all enterprise is underlined, and the controller from the personnel is made responsible for efficiency of expenses for management of human resources.

Keywords: controlling, personnel, controlling personnel, personnel management, staff management.

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