Yelizaveta Danilivna Mereshko, Fedir Mikolajovich Tsyvilskyi, Yevgeniya Anatoliyivna Drozdova


Prosthetics is a complex of medical and social measures aimed at compensating anatomical and functional defects of a person with the help of prosthetic and orthopedic means and devices. At the same time, the main task of prosthetics is the maximum possible restoration of the functions of the lost organ and the return of the person to active labor activity. The technical device of a prosthetic-orthopedic product, regardless of its complexity, is considered by prosthetists only in cooperation with the human musculoskeletal system and its psycho-physiological features. The key task of the prosthesis is to create a methodology and a complex for teaching a person how to use a bionic prosthesis. The stage of learning to use the prosthesis is performed last, its duration depends on the technological complexity of the prosthesis, the accuracy of observance of all the principles of modern prosthetics at the previous stages, as well as the characteristics of human psychophysiology.

The article deals with the interaction of a person with a prosthesis.  The problem of learning to use the prosthesis is analyzed, taking into account the characteristics of the psycho-physiological characteristics of the trainees.  The time characteristics of human interaction with the technical device of the prosthesis in time, from the beginning of the interaction to the end of the commission of the elementary action, the duration of the action, the frequency of execution, and the organization of the elementary movement during this time are considered.  Consideration of these factors will allow flexible adaptation of the learning process to the specific characteristics and needs of a particular person to manage a personal prosthesis, as well as to choose an individual teaching method for him.

Keywords: human adaptation to the prosthesis, speed, information processing, perception time, feedback.

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