Alona Plyaskina


It should be noted that the concepts of «development», «increase» and «growth» can not be identified; they differ in their functional characteristics. It can be concluded that the concepts of «increase» and «growth» are narrow and limited, compared to the concept of «development». A thorough study of the category «enterprise development» indicates its main property, in particular adaptation. The results showed, Scientists consider the features of adaptation in different ways. Therefore it is necessary to consider the enterprise in the course of its development from identifying signs of a condition of the enterprise. In this work, the optimal sign of the state of the enterprise is the state of the «golden mean», in other words, a new quality state, was considered. The state «golden mean» of the enterprise is such «sensitive» state at which, even at insignificant fluctuations of influences of external environment on the enterprise, the reaction of the enterprise to these influences is instantaneous and decisive. Since the enterprise is an «open system», as the main sources of development of «open systems» are internal and external contradictions. These contradictions are the driving force of the system development, which is characterized by irreversible, directed, natural changes. Approaches to interpreting the strategy of enterprise development are discussed in the article. The essence of the enterprise development strategy is specified. Modern economic conditions are dynamic and uncertain. One of the main factors that can improve position of enterprise at the market is a properly grounded development strategy. Such a strategy should be based on intensive development.

Keywords: enterprise, enterprise development, transformation, increase, growth, the golden mean of the enterprise, adaptation, globalization.

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