
Online Submissions

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Author Guidelines

File format

Manuscript files should be submitted in PDF format and should not be locked or protected. 


Manuscripts can be any length. There are no restrictions on word count, number of figures, or amount of supporting information.


Manuscripts must be word processed, 1.5-spaced with a font size of 12 pt (Times or Times New Roman preferred).


Limit manuscript sections and sub-sections to 3 heading levels. Make sure heading levels are clearly indicated in the manuscript text.


Use double spacing before beginning and end of the text, tables, figure legends, and references and notes. Do not format text in multiple columns.

Page and line numbers
Include page numbers and line numbers in the manuscript file

Footnotes are not permitted. If your manuscript contains footnotes, move the information into the main text or the reference list, depending on the content.

Manuscripts must be submitted in English.

Define abbreviations upon first appearance in the text.

Do not use non-standard abbreviations unless they appear at least three times in the text. List all non-standard abbreviations (with definitions) in alphabetical order in a separate section at the beginning of the manuscript.

Reference style

References must be in the Vancouver style. They should be numbered in the order in which they appear in the text

We recommend using MathType for display and inline equations, as it will provide the most reliable outcome. If this is not possible, Equation Editor is acceptable.

Use correct and established nomenclature wherever possible.

Manuscript Organization

- LCC (Library of Congress Classification)

- Title: (Titles should be no more than 90 characters (including spaces). Titles should not begin with the articles A, An, or The.)
- Authors: Provide full author names, including given name and family name. These names will be used in official databases and indexes. Initials are not allowed for the given name. (Authors and their affiliated institutions, linked by superscript numbers, should be listed beneath the title on the opening page of the manuscript).

- Address for Correspondence:  (In a separate paragraph, an address for correspondence, including the name of corresponding author, academic degree, institutional affiliation, email)
- Affiliations: (Each author on the list must have an affiliation. The affiliation includes department, university, or organizational affiliation and its location, including city, state/province (if applicable), and country.
If an author has multiple affiliations, enter all affiliations on the title page only. In the submission system, enter only the preferred or primary affiliation)

- Abstract: (Abstracts of Research Articles and Reports should explain to the general reader why the research was done, what was found and why the results are important. They should start with some brief BACKGROUND information: a sentence giving a broad introduction to the field comprehensible to the general reader, and then a sentence of more detailed background specific to your study. This should be followed by an explanation of the OBJECTIVES/METHODS and then the RESULTS. The final sentence should outline the main CONCLUSIONS of the study, in terms that will be comprehensible to all our readers. The Abstract is distinct from the main body of the text, and thus should not be the only source of background information critical to understanding the manuscript. Please do not include citations or abbreviations in the Abstract. The abstract should be 125 words or less.)

- Keywords:(Keywords are required. Please provide 3-6 keywords related to your paper.)
- Main Text
(Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion)
- References and Notes: (References should follow the standards summarized in the Vancouver style )
- Acknowledgements: (Those who contributed to the work but do not meet our authorship criteria should be listed in the Acknowledgments with a description of the contribution.
Authors are responsible for ensuring that anyone named in the Acknowledgments agrees to be named.)

- Fig. #: (Provide a short descriptive title and a legend, below the Figure. All figures and photographs should be suitable for black and white reproduction. Please note it is the author´s responsibility to obtain copyright permission to reproduce figures. Refer to Figures in the text as Fig.1.)

- Table #: (Cite tables in ascending numeric order upon first appearance in the manuscript file.
Place each table in your manuscript file directly after the paragraph in which it is first cited (read order).
Tables require a label (e.g., “Table 1”) and brief descriptive title to be placed above the table. Place legends, footnotes, and other text below the table). Tables should also be in Word format as part of the article file.
- Supplementary Materials

- Conflict of interest statement: (This information must be included in your manuscript before the References in this format:
The authors state that there are no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this article.
If you have no declaration to make, please write: None declared.)

- Author Contribution: (Enter all author contributions in the submission system during submission.
To qualify for authorship, all contributors must meet at least one of the seven core contributions (conceptualization, methodology, software, validation, formal analysis, investigation, data curation), as well as at least one of the writing contributions (original draft preparation, review and editing). Authors may also satisfy the other remaining contributions; however, these alone will not qualify them for authorship.
 Contributions will be published with the final article, and they should accurately reflect contributions to the work. The submitting author is responsible for completing this information at submission, and it is expected that all authors will have reviewed, discussed, and agreed to their individual contributions ahead of this time.)

- ORCID (Authors submitting manuscript revisions are required to provide their own personal, validated ORCID iD )


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The manuscript is complete and uploaded correctly in PDF format


  2. The full names of all authors are provided (first name and family name).
  3. Abstract, Key words, List of Abbreviations (if necessary), Tables and Figures are included.

  4. References are in the correct format and cited sequentially in the text.

    When writing a reference list in Vancouver style, you need to remember the following:
    ◾ arrange your list chronologically
    ◾ number all references
    ◾ list the first 6 authors followed by 'et al.' if there are more than 6 authors
    ◾ use official abbreviations for titles of journals (if available)
  5. Ethical approval has been obtained and mentioned in the text, if applicable
  6. Registration of Clinical Trials
  7. Authors' conflict of interest declaration is included
  8. SI units are used
  9. Numbers have decimal points, no commas, also in Tables and Figures
  10. To help with this preparation please ensure the following when submitting to our journal:
    Submit the Title Page containing the Authors details and Blinded Manuscript with no author details as 2 separate files.

    1)Information to help prepare the Title Page
    This should include the title, authors' names and affiliations, and a complete address for the corresponding author including telephone and e-mail address.
    We now require that all submissions be made by sending an email to with the manuscript file attached in Word format.
    2)Information to help prepare the Blinded Manuscript
    The main manuscript document should be in PDF document format and the article should be submitted to this OJS system.
    Besides the obvious need to remove names and affiliations under the title within the manuscript, there are other steps that need to be taken to ensure the manuscript is correctly prepared for double-blind peer review.  To assist with this process the key items that need to be observed are as follows:
    • Use the third person to refer to work the Authors have previously undertaken.
    • Make sure figures do not contain any affiliation related identifier
    • Do not eliminate essential self-references or other references but limit self-references only to papers that are relevant for those reviewing the submitted paper.
    • Remove references to funding sources
    • Do not include acknowledgments
    • Remove any identifying information, including author names, from file names and ensure document properties are also anonymized.

Copyright Notice

All articles published Open Access will be immediately and permanently free for everyone to read and download.
Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY): lets others distribute and copy the article, to create extracts, abstracts, and other revised versions, adaptations or derivative works of or from an article (such as a translation), to include in a collective work (such as an anthology), to text or data mine the article, even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit the author(s), do not represent the author as endorsing their adaptation of the article, and do not modify the article in such a way as to damage the author's honor or reputation.


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.