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Gnitko, V., Degtyarev, K., Naumenko, V., Strelnikova, E. BEM and FEM analysis of the fluid-structure Interaction in tanks with baffles. Int. Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements. 5 (3), 317-328. (2017)
Rizzo, F. J., Shippy, D. J. A boundary integral approach to potential and elasticity problems for axisymmetric bodies with arbitrary boundary conditions. Mech. Res. Comm. 6, 99-103. (1979)
Ravnik, J. Gnitko, V., Degtyarev, K., Ogorodnyk, U. BEM and FEM analysis of fluid-structure interaction in a double tank. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 67, 13-25. (2016)
Gnitko, V., Degtyarev, K., Naumenko, V., Strelnikova E. Coupled BEM and FEM Analysis of fluid-structure interaction in dual compartment tanks. Int. Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements. 6(6), 976-988. (2018)

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