Повний текст:
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Tretyakov, S. A., Sochava, A. A. Novel uniaxial bianisotropic materials: Reflection and transmission in planar structures. Special Issue of "Progress in Electromagnetics Research on bi-isotropic media and applications". Ed. A. Priou. Elsevier. (1994)
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Lindell, I.V., Tretyakov, S. A., Oksanen, M. I. Vector Transmission-Line and Circuit Theory for Bi-Isotropic Layered Structures. J. Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. 7, 1, 147-173. ( 1993)
Oksanen, M. I., Tretyakov, S. A., Lindell, I. V. Vector Circuit Theory for Isotropic and Chiral Slabs. J. Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. 4, 7, 613-643. (1990)
Lindell I.V. Methods For Electromagnetic Field Analysis. Clarendon Press. Oxford: (1992)
Tretyakov S. A. Thin pseudochiral layers: Approximate boundary conditions and potential applications. Microwave and Optical Technol. Letters. 6, 2, 112-115. (1993)

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