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Denbnovetsky, S. V., Melnyk, V. G., & Melnyk, I. V. (2003) High Voltage Glow Discharge Electron Sources And Possibilities of Its Application in Industry for Realising of Different Technological Operations. IEEE Transactions on plasma science, 31, 5, October, 987-993.
Denbnovetsky, S. V., Melnyk, V. G., & Melnyk, I. V. (1997) Model of Beam Formation in a Glow Discharge Electron Gun with a Cold Cathode. Applied Surface Science, 111, 288-294.
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Grechanyuk, M. I., Melnyk, A. G., Grechanyuk, I. M., Melnyk, V. G., & Kovalchuk, D. V. (2014) Modern Electron Beam Technologies and Equipment for Melting and Physical Vapor Deposition of Different Materials. Elektrotechnica and Electronica (E+E), 49, 5-6, 115-121.
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Denbnovetsky, S. V., Melnyk, V. I., Melnyk, I. V., Tugay, B. A. (2002) Model of Control of Glow Discharge Electron Gun Current for Microelectronics Production Applications. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Material Science and Material Properties for Infrared Optoelectronics (Ukraine, Kyiv, May 22-24, 2002), Kyiv: SPIE, 5065, pp. 64-76.
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Melnyk, I. V., & Tuhai, S. B. (2012) Analiticheskiy Raschet Polozheniya Granitsy Anоdnoy Plasmy v Vysokovoltnom Rozryadnom Promezhutke pri Zazheganii Vspomogatelnogo Razryada’ [Analytical Calculation of Anode Plasma Boundary Position in a High Voltage Glow Discharge Gap with Lighting of Additional Discharge]. Izvestiya Vuzov. Radioelectronika, 55, 11, pp. 50 – 59. (Published in Russian Language).
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Denbnovetsky, S. V., Melnyk, V. I., Melnyk, I. V., Tugay, B.A. (1998) Investigation of forming of electron beam in glow discharge electron guns with additional electrode. Proceedings of the XVIII-th International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum. (Netherlands, Eindhoven, August 17-21, 1998), 2, pp. 637-640.
DOI: 10.1109/DEIV.1998.738530
Melnyk, I. V., Cytrnyatynskiy, I. S., & Piasetska, N. I. (2016) Iteratively methodic of simulation of triode high voltage glow discharge electrodes systems with taking into account the temperature and mobility of slow electrons in anode plasma. Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Radio Physics and Electronics. 1 (24), pp. 30-34.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.32782/2618-0340-2018-2-96-104
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