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Кривцов, В. С., Олейников, А. М., Яковлев, А. И. Неисчерпаемая энергия. Харьков: Нац. аэрокосм. ун-т "ХАИ", 2003. 919 с.
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McCroskey, W. J. Some current research in unsteady fluid dynamics. Fluid Mechanics. 1977. Vol. 12, № 3. P. 12-37.
McCroskey, W. J. Unsteady airfoils. Fluid Mechanics. 1982. Vol. 14, №6. P. 285-301.
Carr, L. W. Progress in analysis and prediction of dynamic stall. J. Aircraft. 1988. Vol. 25, № 6. P. 285-301.
Telionis, D. P. Unsteady Boundary Layers, Separated and Attached. Journal of Fluids Engineering. 1977. 101(1). P. 29-43. DOI: 10.1115/1.3448732
Fant, D. B., Rockwcl, L. D. Physics of unsteady separated flows at high angle of attack. J. Aircraft. 1992. Vol. 29, № 8. P. 121-132.
Ghia, K. N., Yang, Y. Study of the Role of Unsteady Separation in the Formation of Dynamic Stall Vortex. AIAA Paper. 1992. Vol. 32, № 12. P. 1122-1134.
Visbal, M. R., Shang, J. S. Investigation of the Flow Structure Around a Rapidly Pitching Airfoil. AIAA Paper. 1989. Vol. 27, № 4. P. 805-832.
Wu, J. C., Huff, D. L. , Sankar, L. N. Evaluation of three turbulence models in static air loads and dynamic stall predictions. J. Aircraft. 1990. Vol. 27, № 5. P. 382-401.
Rizetta, D. P., Visbal, M. R. Comparative numerical study of two turbulence models for airfoil static and dynamic stall. AIAA Journal. 1993. Vol. 31, № 11. P. 784-799.
Rumsey, C. L., Vatsa, V. N. A comparison of the predictive capabilities of several turbulence models using upwind and central-difference computer codes. AIAA Paper. 1993. Vol. 31, № 11. P. 192-208.
Dindar, M., Kaynak U. Effect of turbulence modeling on dynamic stall of a NACA 0012 airfoil. AIAA Paper. 1992. Vol. 29, № 8. P. 27-53.
Geissler, W., Vollmers H. Unsteady separated flows on rotor airfoils analysis and visualization of numerical data. AIAA Paper. 1992. Vol. 29, № 8. P. 78-92.
Srinivasan, G. R., Ekaterinaris, J. A., McCroskey W. J. Evaluation of turbulence models for unsteady flows of an oscillating airfoil. Computers & Fluids. 1995. Vol. 24, № 7. P. 833-861.
Baldwin, B., Lomax, H. Thin layer approximation and algebraic model for separated turbulent flows. AIAA Paper. 1978. Vol. 19, № 4. P. 18-26.
Yakhot, V., Orzag S. A. Renormalization group analysis of turbulence. Basic theory. J. Scientific Computation. 1986. Vol. 14, № 4. P. 92-101.
Johnson, D. A., King, L. S. A mathematically simple turbulence closure model for attached and separated turbulent boundary layers. AIAA Journal. 1985. Vol. 23, № 11. P. 1684-1699.
Johnson, D.A. Nonequilibrium algebraic turbulence modeling considerations for transonic airfoils and wings. AIAA Paper. 1992. Vol. 12, № 7. P. 26 -43.
Baldwin, B.S., Barth T. J. A one-equation turbulence transport model for high Reynolds number wall-bounded flows. AIAA Paper. 1991. Vol. 11, № 8. P. 610-631.
Spalart, P. R., Allmaras S. R. A one-equation turbulence model for aerodynamic flow AIAA Paper. 1992.Vol. 12, № 1. P. 439–478.
Chorin, A.J. A numerical method for solving incompressible viscous flow problems. J. Comput. Phys. 1967. Vol. 2. P. 12–26.
Rung, T., Bunge, U., Schatz, M., Thiele, F. Restatement of the Spalart-Allmaras eddy-viscosity model in strain-adaptive formulation. AIAA Journal. 2003. Vol. 4, № 7. P. 1396-1399.
Rogers, S., Kwak D. An upwind differencing scheme for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Journal Numerical Mathematics. 1991. Vol. 8. P. 43-64.
Приходько, A. A., Редчиц, Д. А. Численное моделирование нестационарного течения в следе за цилиндром на основе уравнений Навье-Стокса. Прикладная гидромеханика. 2005. Т. 7, № 1. С. 56-71.
Prikhod’ko, A. A., Redtchits D. A. Numerical modeling of a viscous incompressible unsteady separated flow past a rotating cylinder. Fluid Dynamics. 2009. Vol. 44, № 6. P. 823-829.
Редчиц, Д.А. Алгоритм численного решения двумерных течений несжимаемой жидкости на основе уравнений Навье-Стокса и его верификация. Вісник Дніпропетровського університету. Механіка. 2004. Вип. 8. Т. 1, № 6. С. 67–75.
Piziali, R. A. An Experimental Investigation of 2D and 3D Oscillating Wing Aerodynamics for a Range of Angle of Attack Including Stall. NASA TM 4632. 1993. URL: https://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=19950012704
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Sheldahl, R. E., Climas P. C. Aerodynamic characteristics of seven symmetrical airfoil sections through 180-degree angle of attack for use in aerodynamic analysis of vertical axes wind turbines. Sandia National Laboratories Albuquerque. SAND80-2114. 1995. P. 118.
Bunge, U., Martin, A., Schmidt, S., Schatz, M., Thiele F. DES and its Applications at Technical University of Berlin. Proc. International Conf. on DES – WORKSHOP. St. Petersburg, 2003.
Wilcox, D. C. Reassessment of the scale-determining equation for advanced turbulence models. AIAA Journal. 1988. Vol. 26, № 11. P. 1299-1310.
McCroskey, W. J., Pucci S. L. Viscous inviscid interaction on oscillating airfoils in subsonic flow. AIAA Journal. 1982. Vol. 20, № 5. P. 167-187.
Chandrasekhara M. S., Cart, L. W. Compressibility effects on dynamic stall of oscillating airfoils. In AGARD-CP-552. Proceedings of the AGARD 75th Fluid Dynamics Panel Meeting and Symposium on Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics of Rotorcraft. (Germany, Berlin, 1982). Berlin, 1982.
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McCroskey, W. J. (1977) Some current research in unsteady fluid dynamics. Fluid Mechanics. 12, 3, 12-37.
McCroskey, W. J. Unsteady airfoils. Fluid Mechanics. 1982. Vol. 14, № 6. P. 285-301.
Carr, L. W. (1988) Progress in analysis and prediction of dynamic stall. J. Aircraft. 25, 6, 285-301.
Telionis, D. P. (1977) Unsteady Boundary Layers, Separated and Attached. Journal of Fluids Engineering. 101(1), 29-43. DOI: 10.1115/1.3448732
Fant, D. B., & Rockwcl, L. D. (1992) Physics of unsteady separated flows at high angle of attack. J. Aircraft. 29, 8, 121-132.
Ghia, K. N., & Yang, Y. (1992) Study of the Role of Unsteady Separation in the Formation of Dynamic Stall Vortex. AIAA Paper. 32, 12, 1122-1134.
Visbal, M. R., & Shang, J. S. (1989) Investigation of the Flow Structure Around a Rapidly Pitching Airfoil. AIAA Paper. 27, 4, 805-832.
Wu, J. C., Huff, D. L. , & Sankar, L. N. (1990) Evaluation of three turbulence models in static air loads and dynamic stall predictions. J. Aircraft. 27, 5, 382-401.
Rizetta, D. P., & Visbal, M. R. (1993) Comparative numerical study of two turbulence models for airfoil static and dynamic stall. AIAA Journal. 31, 11, 784-799.
Rumsey, C. L., & Vatsa, V. N. (1993) A comparison of the predictive capabilities of several turbulence models using upwind and central-difference computer codes. AIAA Paper. 31, 11, 192-208.
Dindar, M., & Kaynak U. (1992) Effect of turbulence modeling on dynamic stall of a NACA 0012 Airfoil. AIAA Paper. 29, 8, 27-53.
Geissler, W., & Vollmers H. (1992) Unsteady separated flows on rotor airfoils analysis and visualization of numerical data. AIAA Paper. 29, 8, 78-92.
Srinivasan, G. R., Ekaterinaris, J. A., & McCroskey W. J. (1995) Evaluation of turbulence models for unsteady flows of an oscillating airfoil. Computers & Fluids. 24, 7, 833-861.
Baldwin, B., & Lomax, H. (1978) Thin layer approximation and algebraic model for separated turbulent flows. AIAA Paper. 19, 4, 18-26.
Yakhot, V., & Orzag S. A. (1986) Renormalization group analysis of turbulence. Basic theory. J. Scientific Computation. 14, 4, 92-101.
Johnson, D. A., &King, L. S. (1985) A Mathematically Simple Turbulence Closure Model for Attached and Separated Turbulent Boundary Layers. AIAA Journal. 23, 11, 1684-1699.
Johnson, D.A. (1992) Nonequilibrium algebraic turbulence modeling considerations for transonic airfoils and wings. AIAA Paper. 12, 7, 26 -43.
Baldwin, B.S., & Barth T. J. (1991) A one-equation turbulence transport model for high Reynolds number wall-bounded flows. AIAA Paper. 11, 8, 610-631.
Spalart, P. R., Allmaras S. R. (1992) A one-equation turbulence model for aerodynamic flow. AIAA Paper. 12, 1, 439-478.
Chorin, A.J. (1967) A numerical method for solving incompressible viscous flow problems. J. Comput. Phys. 2, 12-26.
Rung, T., Bunge, U., Schatz, M., & Thiele, F. (2003) Restatement of the Spalart-Allmaras eddy-viscosity model in strain-adaptive formulation. AIAA Journal. 4, 7, 1396-1399.
Rogers, S., & Kwak D. (1991) An upwind differencing scheme for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Journal Numerical Mathematics. 8, 43-64.
Prihodko, A. A., & Redchits, D. A. (2005) Chislennoe modelirovanie nestatsionarnogo techeniya v slede za tsilindrom na osnove uravneniy Nave-Stoksa. Prikladnaya gidromehanika. 7, 1, 56-71.
Prikhod’ko, A. A., & Redtchits D. A. (2009) Numerical modeling of a viscous incompressible unsteady separated flow past a rotating cylinder. Fluid Dynamics. 44, 6, 823-829.
Redchits, D.A. (2004) Algoritm chislennogo resheniya dvumernyih techeniy neszhimaemoy zhidkosti na osnove uravneniy Nave-Stoksa i ego verifikatsiya. Visnyk Dnipropetrovskoho universytetu. Mekhanika. 8, 1, 6, 67-75.
Piziali, R. A. (1993) An Experimental Investigation of 2D and 3D Oscillating Wing Aerodynamics for a Range of Angle of Attack Including Stall. NASA TM 4632. 1993. Retrieved from https://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=19950012704
Fletcher, K. (1991) Vyichislitelnyie metodyi v dinamike zhidkosti. V. 1-2. Moscow: Mir.
Sheldahl, R. E., & Climas P. C. (1995) Aerodynamic characteristics of seven symmetrical airfoil sections through 180-degree angle of attack for use in aerodynamic analysis of vertical axes wind turbines. Sandia National Laboratories Albuquerque. SAND80-2114, pp. 118.
Bunge, U., Martin, A., Schmidt, S., Schatz, M., & Thiele F. (2003) DES and its Applications at Technical University of Berlin. Proceedings of the International Conf. on DES – WORKSHOP. (Russia, St. Petersburg, 2003), St. Petersburg.
Wilcox, D. C. (1998) Reassessment of the scale-determining equation for advanced turbulence models. AIAA Journal. 26, 11, 1299-1310.
McCroskey, W. J., & Pucci S. L. (1982) Viscous inviscid interaction on oscillating airfoils in subsonic flow. AIAA Journal. 20, 5, 167-187.
Chandrasekhara M. S., & Cart, L. W. (1982) Compressibility effects on dynamic stall of oscillating airfoils. In AGARD-CP-552. Proceedings of the AGARD 75th Fluid Dynamics Panel Meeting and Symposium on Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics of Rotorcraft. (Germany, Berlin, 1982). Berlin.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.32782/2618-0340-2018-2-133-145

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